thomas alva edison

Thomas Alva Edison was born in 1847 in Ohio,America. As a little boy, he was very inquisitive. He always wanted to know how things were done. Very early in life, he showed that he was full of curiosity , a quaility which is so important to inventors. In 1869, he went to New York where he worked for sometime as telephone operator. But soon he became interested in invention. In a very short time he built a laboratory at Menlo Park to carry on his research. His first invention was a system of telegraphy. Then he invented phonograph, the first form of the instument that we now know as gramophone or record player. The word ‘phonograph’ means something that can write or record sound. Other scientists befor Edison had thought of instrument which acutely worked. He also invented incandescent lamp,a lamp in which the light is caused by a heated wire, called a filament. The wire is heated by an electric current. People could now use electricity to illuminate their homes. By the time Edison died in 1931, he had about a thousand inventions to his credit.

albert einstein

Albert Einstein was born as the child of Jewish parents in Uim, Germany on March 14, 1879. In November 1881, Albert’s sister Maria was born. A short time later the Einstein family went to Munich,another city of Germany, where Albert first attended elementary school and Luitpold grammar school. HE was an average sttdent but was very interested in Science and Mathematics. He did not like lessons in grammar school as they were held with strict discipline and he was forced to learn. When he turned 15 he left school without any degree and followed his family to Milan, Italy. Then he attended school in Aarau, Switzerland. From 1895 to 1896, he successfully took his A-level and began to study in Zurich. His ambition was to obtain the diploma in mathematics and physics. He successfully finished his studies in July,1990. In 1905 he published several of his important works including the most famous formula of the world
e=mcsquare. In 1903 he marrige his college mate. In 1909 he became professor of theorectical physics at the university of Zurich. In 1914 Einstein was called to Berlin to work there sciemtifically. In the same year World War 1 broke out. He invented theory of relativity, a theory of physics. In 1921 ge recehved Nobel Prize for physics. Einstein spent the last years of his life in Princeton, USA. He diead on April 18, 1955.

nobel prize

The nobel prize is the world’s most prestigious and important prize. It has been given since 1901. The prize is given to persons with outstanding contributions of physics, chemistry,literature,medicine,peace and economics. Economics was added to the list in 1969 for the first time. The nobel prize was instituted by a man who was the invemtor of dynamite. This scientist was Alfred bernard Nobel. He was born in Stockholm, Sweden on Octobor 21, 1833 and died in 1896. Though he was a citizen of Sweden, he was educated in Russia. He earned a huge sum of money by selling dynamite. At the time of his death in 1896, Nobel left behind a huge amount of money. He also left a will indicating that the interest on this money should be given as prizes to persons for their outstanding contributions to physics,chemistry,medicine,literature and peace. This prize was named as Nobel Prize. The first Nobel Prize was given to Rontgen on 10th December,1901 for his inventing X-rays.