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nobel prize

The nobel prize is the world’s most prestigious and important prize. It has been given since 1901. The prize is given to persons with outstanding contributions of physics, chemistry,literature,medicine,peace and economics. Economics was added to the list in 1969 for the first time. The nobel prize was instituted by a man who was the invemtor of dynamite. This scientist was Alfred bernard Nobel. He was born in Stockholm, Sweden on Octobor 21, 1833 and died in 1896. Though he was a citizen of Sweden, he was educated in Russia. He earned a huge sum of money by selling dynamite. At the time of his death in 1896, Nobel left behind a huge amount of money. He also left a will indicating that the interest on this money should be given as prizes to persons for their outstanding contributions to physics,chemistry,medicine,literature and peace. This prize was named as Nobel Prize. The first Nobel Prize was given to Rontgen on 10th December,1901 for his inventing X-rays.